Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3 week old Tyler

Tyler will be 3 weeks tomorrow! He has changed a little since he was first born. His eyes are looking more like a really pretty dark blue in the last few days, I hope they stay blue. He is still mellow and so sweet but has gotten fussier, which I expected after the first two weeks so it hasn't been too bad. He screams until you pick him up and then he is happy as can be just sitting in your arms. He doesn't sleep for as long, he was doing a lot of 4-6 hour naps but now it's more like 1-3. I am lucky to get 3 hours straight sleep at night and it's wearing me a out a little. We don't go to bed until 12-1 because he has a long period of being awake and/or really fussy for an hour or two around 11 or 12 (which was also always when he was most active in utero). So I really should start going to bed at 9 to try and get some more sleep but I am a night owl too. I always regret it in the morning though when Madison is begging for cereal because she is always "starving" and he is fussy again and I don't want to open my eyes. He is always fussy around 6am too so I barely get back to sleep before Madison wakes up 8-9ish. So I am looking forward to him sleeping more one day...but I figured this is how it would be so I am not suprised or anything. I was just holding out a little hold that he would be as good a sleeper as Madison- she always slept 12 hours straight at night from the first night home from the hospital, but I knew I wouldn't get that lucky again. Even when Tyler is being fussy though, it's so much easier to handle than Madison was, she was beyond frustrating because her scream actually hurt your ears. He is quiter and mellower even when upset and his fussy periods don't last as long. John is great at getting him to calm down and sleep when he is fighting it, he was great with Madison too. Something about him is calming to them because I can try for an hour and he will get them to sleep in minutes. Tyler is staying awake for up to 2 hours at a time now and I love it when he is happy and just looking around. I really love it when he stares at me and smiles, even if he isn't really smiling at me yet. He is finally starting to fit into some of his 0-3 month clothes, you would think a 9 lb, 22 in baby would fit into some of them at first, but nope, only the "newborn" sizes have fit him up till now, and even still only the smallest of the 0-3 month clothes fit, usually only the name brand ones too which figures! He had his 2 week checkup last week and measured 10 pounds and 22.5 inches. So he is growing fast! He will be out of the 0-3 clothes soon after they fit probably. Madison is still doing really good, she isn't jealous at all. She was about the sleeping arrangement at first, but has gotten over that. She is just so happy to have him here and never seems bothered that his needs often have to come before her wants. She will say to me "When he is done eating will you get me something to drink?" Instead of just getting mad that I can't get up and do it now. She is adjusting and treating him so much better than I imagined. My first trip to the grocery store by myself with the two of them was kind of a disaster, he woke up when I was nearly done screaming to eat so I managed to walk and nurse him discreetly since I had two shirts on, while Madison pushed the cart and I pulled the end since she can't see over it, and held him with one hand and my arm was so tired, and while he nursed his diaper leaked all over the front of my shirt, but Madison did so great and got the groceries I needed without me even telling her which ones I needed, she just remembered what I bought which I thought was cool. She was so grown up and so happy to help and was the most perfect 4 year old ever that day, I was so proud of her. But I am taking John with me grocery shopping for a while. Anyway, I guess that's it for now, enjoy the pics :)

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