Saturday, January 30, 2010

And a few other miscellaneous pics...

Man, it's just one thing after another. After Christmas we all 3 had a stomach bug. Tyler had not even gotten over his diarrhea issues, which he had diarrhea for 18 days STRAIGHT and then off and on for another week, when he had his scrotum issues. His whole scrotum area was REALLY swollen. I took him the the dr and she said I needed to take him to the ER immediatly and they would probably have to do surgery, she thought it was a hernia. Turns out it was just a hydrocele, which is not too big a deal. He does have to have surgery to fix the problem but it's minor surgery and not urgent, it's not scheduled until Feb. 19th. The swelling goes up and down, it was only really bad for a couple of days. And then Madison got sick, a bad cold bug I guess and two days later, he has it. I have just a touch of it but they got it way worse, and Tyler seems to get everything worse than Madison. She never had fever and his is 102 and his cough sounds awful. Madison started getting over her cold, then got a cold sore on her lip and says the roof of her mouth hurts really bad and she cries when she eats bc she is hungry but it hurts too bad to eat. I am hopping she just burnt the roof of it eating something hot. Now about an hour ago she started crying saying her ear hurts. It never ends! Did I create defective kids or something? We have never had so much sickness for such long periods of time.

Pics from about a week ago...
Set up my studio stuff in the shop.

19 week Belly, we find out *hopefully* if it's a boy or girl Feb. 8th, not too much longer!!!

My guy...

while I am her adding her dance pics thought I would add these...

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