Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Pictures!

See more on my phanfare. Contact me if you don't know what I am talking about. :)

Everything is going well here. Ethan is talking more each day. Tyler is totally potty trained finally. Ethan even used a public potty voluntarily yesterday. We just walked in and he started taking his pants and diaper off! Madison is excelling suddenly in math and is reading more than ever, 2-4 books a day. She never watches tv, only a movie if she has a friend over. Tyler watches way too much tv. Ethan just wanders around getting in everyones business.

 I have recently tried eating a "paleo" diet (meat based) and taking some things from that, I am going to try to eat less meat (maybe 2-3 times a week and eat a plant based diet. Not total vegetarian, but I just want to try it out and see how I feel on it. I am not making the rest of the family do it. I just don't care for meat and think it might work for me. But I am fine with going back to paleo if I don't feel great on it because I feel just fine on paleo. I am on Day 2 of no meat, but I will eat it when I feel like it. Guess that's it for now!

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